Electronic keys

Nowadays, electronic keys help to take new steps into the future. An electronic key (flash drive, key fob with a USB connector) is a means of a multi-level system for protecting personal information.
The electronic key has special built-in solutions for reliable storage of data required for the formation of an electronic digital signature.
The most secure devices are those where the confirmation of the transaction takes place inside the key-flash drive, that is, the password does not leave the limits of the key fob. When using the key, do not forget about protecting your device, because some malicious programs are able to change the amount and payment details in advance and send a false transaction to the key for confirmation. Today, many structures use the electronic key; it is available to both corporate clients and ordinary users - individuals. The price of an electronic key depends on the amount of flash memory and functionality.
If your company needs an electronic key, then we are ready to choose it for you, with the functionality that you need to promote your business